Infographic Marketing Strategy
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Infographics, considered one of the most popular forms of viral marketing, are an exciting visual way to present easily digestible content on a particular theme.

Well crafted infographics have huge potential to be shared on social media, and republished on other websites generating referral traffic and valuable backlinks. 

Any infographic marketing strategy must include submission to the most popular document sharing websites. Over time you’ll build quality profiles on these websites that boost your online authority. Infographics can also be repurposed into a post for your blog SEO strategy.

For creating useful content within a niche, generating high quality referral links, and social media sharing, infographic creation is a must, and we can plot infographic creation into your SEO Roadmap to ensure that your web presence is entirely optimised.

Infographic Marketing Strategies

  • Professionally designed infographics

While content is king, nobody will look at an infographic if it is not visually appealing and professionally designed. We deploy professional design expertise to ensure that your infographics stand out from the competition and have huge sharing and re-publishing potential.

  • Infographic sharing website accounts

We will create optimised accounts across all the most popular document and infographic portals (think Your inforgraphic content is published to a wide reaching audience, providing you with maximum exposure, while building quality backlinks and profiles.

  • Infographic publishing and optimised descriptions

We will publish to your infographic sharing accounts, and also create optimised description copy to ensure that your infographics are highly searchable and reach the optimum number of people.

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Meet Chris Finnegan

Chris Finnegan, founder of SEO Copilot has been involved in the SEO industry since 2007.  As a systems engineer turned local marketing expert Chris combines the technical aspects of search engine optimisation with local marketing strategies to grow your website leads and sales.

A ‘nature geek’ Chris can be found gardening and bushwalking when away from the desk.

Connect with Chris on Twitter or join our mail list for the latest SEO news, tips and special offers.

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