Every business wants to rank on the first page of Google, and for good reason. This search engine is the first place people look for a product or service. So what is search engine optimisation, or SEO?

This infographic answers the question “What is SEO?”, sharing some compelling SEO statistics, an overview of factors influencing SEO, and 5 steps to a SEO friendly website.

What is SEO?

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“What is SEO?” Infographic Transcription

SEO Definition: Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of affecting the visibility of a website or a web page in a search engine’s “natural” or un-paid (“organic”) search results.

SEO Factors
Contributing to optimal rankings

Website Structure

  • Search Engine Friendly URLs
  • Internal Link Structure
  • Website Speed

On-Page Factors

  • Content Quality
  • Meta Tags
  • Image Optimisation

Off-Page Factors

  • Niche Backlinks
  • Local Listings & Reviews
  • Social Media

Why SEO Matters
Google now processes over 40,000 search queries every second on average, which translates to over 3.5 billion searches per day and 1.2 trillion searches per year worldwide. A solid SEO campaign will help your website get found in these searches.

  • 70% of users find a website via search engines
  • 63% of users click one of the first 3 organic results
  • 40% of users click the first ranking site on search engines

5 Steps to Building an “SEO-Friendly” Website

Discover keywords that people use related to your niche and location.
Website Optimisation
Make sure your website is structured so Google can read and understand it.
User Experience
An easy to use website will convert more visitors into customers.
Quaily Content
Create quality content that your visitors will want to share and build your authority.
Website Promotion
Build a community using social media and email marketing.